Another Moulton Stowaway in the spotlight - this one at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London.
60 Years of the MINI
August 26th - Sixty years since the launch of the iconic classic Mini.
The Hall Featured In Country Life Magazine
In-depth features on The Hall and its history are in Country Life magazine now.
April 9TH - A Birthday For Engineers?
Alex Moulton, ‘the last of the great Victorian engineers’ was born on April 9th. By coincidence, he shared his birthday with one of the greatest engineers of the Victorian era…
It Was The Night Before Christmas…
Few stories illustrate Alex Moulton’s dedication to his work more than this one from the 1950s. Merry Christmas!
The Alex Moulton Award 2018
The winner of the Institution of Engineering Designers’ Alex Moulton Award 2018 is Phil Eaglesham, designer of the ‘Victor’ wheelchair.